Online News Sources--Can you know if they are fake news?
has been a great deal controversy involving a new term, 'Fake News'.
Media reporting, in my opinion, has reached an all time low in the trust
of the American people. No longer is reporting the facts the purpose of
Newsrooms. Today, it seems, news from every outlet is slanted,
opinionated, and purposed towards an agenda. Most Americans read the
news on their smartphones or their computers. But, is what we are
reading the truth, or a version of the facts that we are led to believe
is truth. How can we discern fact from falsehood, truth from lie, or as
it is termed today, Fake news. We must all learn to become fact
checkers. We have a responsibility to discern what is true. How to do
that is issue. If a news fact can be verified objectively, we must seek
out trustworthy sources for verification. One way to check an online
source is to see if they own their own domain. Those that own their
domain are more accountable, while those that don't aren't. An example
might be, a legitimate site, but if the site's URL is,
then reader beware. That source could be anybody. The bottom line,
check the sources domain for legitimacy. Look for information about the
site using other informational outlets. If it's an organization, and
lists on their site their leaders, look for information on them as well.
Most reputable news sources will use quotes from multiple sources in
their stories. If their are no sources being quoted, this could be
another sign that should raise concern over whether the site is
trustworthy. Unfortunately, many times false news headlines are shared
on social media platforms. No one seems to want to verify the facts.
Often headlines are very misleading and exaggerated in an effort to
catch the eye of the reader. Social media blows up with these erroneous
headlines, that are really just Fake News headlines. Yet, the readers
are swept up in creating opinions based on these fake news stories or
headlines. If you want to verify the authenticity of a story, look at
several different reputable sources, and compare the reporting of the
events in those stories. Often times online news outlets will publish a
story based on facts in a story that taken out of context. If it
involves a speech that was given or a statement made in public, there is
usually a record of the speech that can be looked up and the facts can
be verified from the actual speech. I saw this occur time and again
during the last presidential campaign. When pictures are involved in a
fake news story, they can be checked for validity as well. One can do a
reverse search for the image on Google, by right clicking the image and
let Google search for it. Often times these fake news stories will use a
picture that had nothing to do with the real story, but was a picture
used to create attention. It can be embarrassing to be the person that
reads a fake news story, and then tells their friends and others about
it, only to find out later it was all bologna. Don't be fooled, be a
fact checker.
I did not know you could right click a picture and do a google search. This will come in handy when I have to look things up for class.
ReplyDeleteAs much as I appreciate your great information, it's sad that we as people, have to double check everything. The media is horrible and no one can trust one source from another. I personally believe once the internet took off and people stopped reading newspapers for information and solely depended on the internet, the media has gone to hell. It's too bad we can't believe anything anymore.